INC Giving: The Impact of Kindness

INC Giving is back! Read about how Church Of Christ members around the world right now are sharing their faith through acts of care, big and small.
Lessons I Learned at a Soup Kitchen

See how an act as simple as helping at a local soup kitchen in Hawaii showed one volunteer a positive affect on her health, friendship and community.
How To Organize a Pet Food Drive

Read how one dog mom organized a pet-food donation and the steps she took to organize volunteers.
Volunteering with Project Open Hand

With so many volunteer opportunities in San Francisco, see why Project Open Hand SF was a special experience for one INC Giving volunteer from the bay area.
Grocery Shopping Helper for Those In Need

I remember at the end of March, hearing about how quickly the coronavirus (COVID-19) was spreading throughout Europe, especially in Italy- how a lockdown was the only way they could manage the dire circumstances their country was facing due to a late response to the infection rate of their citizens. At the time, it seemed […]
Stories From Manila – #21DaysOfKindness

Nowadays, not too many people take the time to show kindness towards strangers. Some say they’re busy while others may not know how to start, but sometimes, you don’t even have to look too far to show kindness. This past March, the Ecclesiastical District of Manila launched the 21-Day Kindness Challenge, which had been successfully […]
Grateful to Give

Every day, over 188 phone calls are made to the Calgary Food Bank requesting for emergency food hampers. And, so when our local congregation was first notified of the Food Bank Donation Drive Activity, I could already feel the excitement of the volunteers because we knew we would have the chance to contribute to the […]
Metro Manila takes on the 21 Day Kindness Challenge

Sometimes it’s easy to be caught up in the daily grind that we forget to look up and see the opportunities in front of us to do good and make a difference. So a group of young members of the Iglesia Ni Cristo from Metro Manila, Philippines, one of the busiest and most congested regions […]
Ideas for Families

Find opportunities for your whole family to participate in. Here are some ideas on how your family can participate in the weekend of service. Invite another family to volunteer with you. Walk around the neighborhood with a garbage bag and pick up trash on the side of the road. Offer to rake leaves, pickup sticks, […]
Ideas for Individuals

Look early for opportunities you can volunteer for or organizations looking for volunteers the weekend of April 7 and 8. Make sure to invite a friend or two to volunteer with you. Search for organizations in your neighborhood and email them to see how you can help. Donate to a charity or organization that […]