What I Learned from the Kindness Challenge

There is something fulfilling for both parties when an act of kindness is performed. We live in a society where people have taken advantage of generosity. Because of this, less and less people are willing to extend a helping hand. For this reason, I took part in the #21DayKindnessChallenge. I challenged myself to perform at […]
21 Day Kindness Challenge

Starting February 1st, check out the kindness challenge of each day and post about it with #INCGiving #21DaysKindnessChallenge. Complete the 21-Day Challenge and be featured, here. Challenge accepted?
INCGiving: Bringing Smiles with Band-Aids

When I was 3, I was diagnosed with cancer. I was diagnosed with cancer somewhere near my birthday. It was quite a rough time, but God and the doctors He sent to take care of me helped me a lot. Since they were helping me so much during that time, me and my family were […]
How To: Find Your Passion in Volunteering

How To: Find Your Passion in Volunteering In most, if not all communities, finding volunteer opportunities is easy; but finding the right one for you–that might be a little more challenging…but not impossible! You may be thinking, “why is it important to find something that is right for me? Isn’t giving and volunteering about doing something […]
The Best High Five: A Runner’s Thank You to Volunteers

Most runs and walks that happen are usually tied to an important cause. As runners step across the finish line, they are celebrated for their willingness to sacrifice, to give so much of themselves for a good cause. But they’re not the only ones to be celebrated. October 18, 2015 – a group of us […]