Cocoa Beach Mangrove Potting

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The brethren from the Local Congregation of Cocoa Beach, Florida joined together in potting mangrove trees with the intention of helping to better the condition of the Indian River Lagoon, a prominent body of water in the region.


Mangrove trees are plants that sit on the shorelines of saltwater areas; they are an essential part of Florida’s environmental health. The roots provide home for sea creatures, the branches are rest areas for many migrating birds, and falling leaves bring nutrients to the water.



The brethren joined with organizations such as the Marine Resources Group to give opportunities for these plants to continue spreading, and provide homes for organisms throughout the Indian River Lagoon, which is sadly in dire straights because of human development.


With God’s help, the brethren were able to pot over 100 seedlings, which once matured, will be planted on the riverbank. They are excited to return for more opportunities to help the environment.


Special thanks to the Marine Resources Group for letting the Church of Christ INCGiving Volunteers join their labor of love for the Lagoon.
Contributed By: Sister Chloe Ravina – Local Congregation of Cocoa Beach, Florida, Ecclesiastical District of Southeastern Seaboard

Chloe Ravina

Local Congregation of Cocoa Beach, Florida, Ecclesiastical District of Southeastern Seaboard

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