Chloe Ravina

Local Congregation of Cocoa Beach, Florida, Ecclesiastical District of Southeastern Seaboard

Restoring Clear Waters
The Indian River Lagoon (IRL) is a 156-mile long estuary that runs along the East coast of Florida. It is a mixture of the Atlantic Ocean’s saltwater and the freshwater of the mainland’s rivers and is home to more than 4,300 species of animals and plants. Its diversity adds to Florida’s mark as being one […]
Cocoa Beach Mangrove Potting
The brethren from the Local Congregation of Cocoa Beach, Florida joined together in potting mangrove trees with the intention of helping to better the condition of the Indian River Lagoon, a prominent body of water in the region. Mangrove trees are plants that sit on the shorelines of saltwater areas; they are an essential part […]