There is something fulfilling for both parties when an act of kindness is performed. We live in a society where people have taken advantage of generosity. Because of this, less and less people are willing to extend a helping hand.
For this reason, I took part in the #21DayKindnessChallenge. I challenged myself to perform at least one act of kindness to a stranger or someone I appreciate. In the beginning, I felt nervous to put myself out there and introduce myself and the Church. It is not only the recipient who benefits from these acts. As the days went on, I gained confidence. I learned empathy, compassion, and sensitivity. I learned to listen to others and not assume the situations of others. This challenge not only challenged me to be a better person, it made me a better person.
As I look back on my participation, I realize how blessed I truly am. I do not mean blessed in a monetary way, but blessed in being able to have the opportunity to pay it forward. I have bought coffee for the person behind me in line. I have written inspirational messages and left sticky notes in the female bathroom at school.

On day 10, I donated to the Ronald McDonald House Charities.
This charity helps keep families close to their sick children. As a Children’s Worship Service Teacher, children have a soft spot in my heart. I donated on behalf of the INCGiving Project because it was important for me to tie my choice with the goodness of the Church.
On day 12, I went beyond a standard 15-20% tip because as a former waitress, I understand the importance (and dependence) of a tip. Day 18 — I donated to a nearby homeless shelter. I received an unexpected direct deposit when I needed it the most. I couldn’t keep the blessing to myself, so I thanked God in a way I know He’d want; I helped those in need. I received a list of goods needed by men and women from a homeless shelter and checked off all the hygiene products needed. I threw in some extra stuff I use daily and knew others would need as well. It’s knowing the donations will be put to good use and knowing the recipients are genuinely thankful, that makes me feel happy to do it.
What I have in abundance, is scarce to someone in need.
Seeing this first hand motivates me to continue beyond 21 days. I thank the Church Administration for constantly molding me into a better person.
If someone were on the fence about participating in the challenge, I would tell them to start. Starting is always the most challenging part, but seeing the results are what is most fulfilling. Seeing the unity from different parts of the world also participating will make you feel part of a larger movement as well. It takes a moment, but the effect it has on someone makes a lasting imprint.
Click here to learn more about the #21DayKindnessChallenge.
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