INC Giving: The Impact of Kindness

a woman giving a man a refreshing drink

INC Giving is back! Read about how Church Of Christ members around the world right now are sharing their faith through acts of care, big and small.

5 Things I Learned With Habitat For Humanity

“Enjoy what you do and it will never be work.” We’ve all heard that saying. This typically applies to a career path or job choice. But I think it just as easily applies to volunteering. Most people would consider a full day at a construction site; climbing ladders, painting, hammering, and cutting, as doing “work.” […]

Ways to Show Kindness During Coronavirus

note pad i want to help but dont know whoww

While a majority of us are safe at home, we may be asking ourselves, “how can I help?”  Now, more than ever, we are witnessing the global community connect, seeing examples of the simple yet meaningful acts of kindness performed for both strangers and close friends and family alike. Our images of heroes have evolved […]

5 Ways to Brighten Someone’s Day

Ever get caught up in your own thoughts that you overlook what’s right in front of you? It happens to us all. But even in the busiest, most chaotic moments, here’s five ways you can help brighten someone else’s day- to press pause on attending your own heart, for the sake of helping another’s.

What a Sandwich Taught Me About the Momentum of Kindness

What A Sandwich Taught Me About Kindness

When you hear the term “act of kindness” what do you picture? Until recently, when I heard or read the term “act of kindness”, I pictured smiling faces, food banks, clothing drives and large groups of people gathered for a specific cause. But recently, that image was replaced by, of all things, a sandwich. …share […]

Bone Marrow Donor Finds a Match

A bone marrow drive in the Asian American community leads to a match between an INC GIving volunteer and a stranger miles away.

Bringing Smiles To The Littlest Cancer Patient

Blog Banner Bringing Smiles to the Littlest Cancer Patients

All Eleanor wanted on her last day of proton radiation therapy was to wear a panda outfit and she wanted her proton therapist, Kenneth Manalo, to join her. “She’s so brave. She had to be under anesthesia every day for her treatment and when she would wake up she would just smile. She’s a ray […]

Stories From Manila – #21DaysOfKindness

Nowadays, not too many people take the time to show kindness towards strangers. Some say they’re busy while others may not know how to start, but sometimes, you don’t even have to look too far to show kindness. This past March, the Ecclesiastical District of Manila launched the 21-Day Kindness Challenge, which had been successfully […]

Metro Manila takes on the 21 Day Kindness Challenge

Sometimes it’s easy to be caught up in the daily grind that we forget to look up and see the opportunities in front of us to do good and make a difference. So a group of young members of the Iglesia Ni Cristo from Metro Manila, Philippines, one of the busiest and most congested regions […]