Idea: Help Students Succeed in School

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Whether it’s back to school time or even in the middle of the school year, there is always something we can do to help students succeed.

Before the start of the 2016-2017 school year, the #INCGiving volunteers from Miami, Florida gathered school supplies and backpacks for students

#INCGiving volunteers from Miami, Florida prepare school supplies for donation.

Doris Bautista, one of their coordinators, shared how the project came about and what inspired them to help.

Doris Bautista: I was watching the news last year, on one of our local networks, when the announcers mentioned about asking donations for school supplies. And I thought to myself, that’s a good INCGiving project.

INCGiving Volunteers with the Family Resource Center, after delivering the items.

Question: How did you find the Family Resource Center?

Doris Bautista: I just researched online what organizations help families or children in need and I came across this organization.

Question: What is the Family Resource Center?

Doris Bautista: Every year, Family Resource Center helps provide children in foster care with the resources they need for the upcoming school year.

Family Resource Center website: . From their website: “This summer, we’re outfitting 900 children from Kindergarten through Grade 12 with backpacks and school supplies. We are seeking several volunteers to assist with this year’s Back to School Backpack Drive.”
INCGiving Volunteers preparing the bags for distribution.

Question: What was the reaction by the volunteers when they heard about the project?

Doris Bautista: Miami brethren always respond in a big way when it comes to giving back to the community. INC Members were so excited asking me right away what school supplies were needed. One family brought 5 bags of different school supplies to the drive.

Question: What were the results and what do you hope to do next year?

Doris Bautista: The result, we were able to gather more than 15 bags of school supplies to the delight of the organizers of this drive.

 “We are so touched and moved by your generosity. The fact that so many members of your Church took the time and energy to come and be with us and learn about what we do for our children and foster care and also for the entire congregation who thought to donate school supplies to our children.” – Jennifer Pena, Director of Communications for the Florida Resource Center – South Florida

Doris Bautista: We will definitely do more of this kind next year. The organizers of this drive informed us of the different activities they that they do to help foster children and we will discuss with the leadership of the local and our resident minister if we could be a part of those activities.

INCGiving Volunteers preparing the bags for distribution.

Three Other Ways You Can Help A Local School

Volunteer: Contact the local schools and see what needs they have for volunteers [individual or group volunteers]. Offer to read to classrooms, volunteer at afterschool programs, help renovate a classroom, or simply say thank you.

  • Contact the local schools to see what they need and how you can help.
  • Donate: Organize drives to help classrooms have the items they need including much needed arts & crafts supplies and books. Organize drives to help with winter clothing and help ensure all children will have the warm clothes they need this winter. Contact the local schools to see what they need and how you can help.
  • Help Fight Hunger: Many schools and local food banks/pantries have partnered up to ensure that students are not left hungry, especially during the weekends. Contact the local food banks/pantries to volunteer to sort and pack bags for students to take home for the weekend.

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