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Frequently Asked Questions

What's the difference between events launched by the FYM Foundation and INC Giving Project?

FYM Foundation/Care for Humanity events normally involve providing relief goods, care packages and monetary donations during / after natural calamities and are coordinated with the district by the FYM Foundation directly.

Meanwhile, the INC Giving events are sponsored by the congregation and/or district (and sometimes small groups of individuals) and involve mobilizing volunteers to provide services and time to help the community or an organization.


How can we get featured on and the social media accounts?

There are 2 ways. Simply have the multimedia bureau pitch your story to the INC Giving Team by emailing or go to and give us the details there. We’ll reach out to you if we have questions.

What if I just want to volunteer on my own or with a few friends, can we still wear the INC Giving shirt and submit our story?

Of course! Make sure to take photos or video and send us the details on

Where can I see examples of how activities should look like and what other local congregations are doing for inspiration?

Visit  and to see stories from around the world along with blogs on other volunteers organized their events.

Whom do we contact if we have questions about the guidelines or need help?

Email: DM: INC Giving Facebook or Instagram | Visit