With pride in his heart, Vlad Anselmo from Tracy, California posted about his younger brother Heinz. He wrote, “ I’m super proud of my younger brother! Two weeks ago he unselfishly donated his bone marrow to save someone he never met” The youngest of four, Heinz never liked the spotlight but has always been willing to help lend a helping hand.

Be the Match Program
“I think it was maybe 2-3 years ago, It was in Union City, California, there was a Filipino festival with and the Be The Match National Marrow Donor Program booth was taking (saliva swabs) samples from people hoping to be a match for a patient…and I think at the time, one of my friend’s niece needed a bone marrow…her name is Sarlea Lugtu Atizado..” Heinz said as he tried to untangle his memory. At the time,
Becoming A Match
And while he didn’t end up being a match for Myla — three years after adding his name to the bone marrow registry he was a match for another young girl with l
Moved By Faith
His kindness comes from his faith, a faith he hopes to share with everyone. “Of course I’m an advocate of INC Giving, this is our way of reaching out to the community to our fellow man on this planet and it’s also to introduce the Church, that we are proud members of the Church of Christ (Iglesia Ni Cristo)”

If you would like more information on bone marrow donation visit: bethematch.org. To find out more about inc giving, visit incgiving.org
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