Appreciating Medical Professionals

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       “Sometimes with the work that we do, it’s really easy to get lost in the paperwork and how emotionally draining some patients can be, and even on the best days you can have patients who are really challenging and taxing.” – Danielle Utianski, Speech Language Pathologist.

Disease, sickness, and injury are tragic and often bring a dark cloud over both patients and their families. But like a light in a dark tunnel, the medical professionals work tirelessly to cure; remedy and help patients endure these physical difficulties. Although it is their job, doctors, nurses and medical staff show compassion as they help and care for people who pushes them to go above and beyond what is required.


The Church of Christ, Iglesia Ni Cristo hosted an Appreciation Day for doctors, nurses and medical professionals in various cities in Southern California. The Church honored diligent and devoted individuals who make a huge impact in their community every day when they come into work.


“So having that kind of outside reminder, that feeling of community and the feeling of appreciation is a nice recharge. It reminds you [why you] went into the field and why you want to stay in the field.” – Utianski, Speech Language Pathologist honored at the Bakersfield Doctor, Nurses and Medical Staff Appreciation Day.

In North Hollywood, California, the Iglesia Ni Cristo congregation set up an appreciation luncheon at the California Healthcare and Rehabilitation Centre.


When asked how it feels to be appreciated, Miriam Diez, a fellow nurse at the facility answered, “Oh I love it, thank you guys, thank you so much. We love that people notice that we do care for these people.”

The Iglesia Ni Cristo [Church of Christ] knows how stressful and arduous the work can be; not everyone can do what these medical professionals do everyday. In a world of natural disasters, violence, crime and unpredictable ailments, these are compassionate and selfless heroes who make a difference in so many peoples’ lives. Through events like this, INCGiving volunteers celebrate the medical community and their genuine passion to help and care for others.


One of the event coordinators, Brando Andrade states, “It’s important to appreciate doctors and nurses because they can be under appreciated sometimes. We wanted to do this event so that they can also get to know us.”

At the rehab center, the nurses and staff were greeted and thanked by Church Of Christ Minister and a representative from City Council. The youth members also created colorful and creative cards that were filled with words of thanks.


Contributed by: Nikki Salazar, Southwest California

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